iPhone X and Anxiety
Its been a week now since I received my iPhone X. I am not yet convinced that I will keep this. Although every time they release a new...
I'm back on the blog. Well for now. I previously stored the blogs on another site, but since that has been decommissioned. Its back here....
I like new.
This has been discussed so many times. But here's my take. For me I like everything that is new. Experiences specially. Seeing a new...

Neurons and Change
Repetitions is forgotten. I say this because, just try to remember what you ate for lunch last week and you cannot remember that anymore....

Sketching vs Photography
Ok, this is similar to the previous blog I posted. Mindfulness vs Photography. Although this time I can say this is like: Photography +...

Mindfulness vs Photography
One of photography's purpose is to capture moments in time. But at the same missing the actual moment. Let me explain. For years I've...

Bing Bam Boom BLOG
Its the phrase after Bada bing, bada boom. That's how I say it in the house. I think this is a good title for my first BLOG entry....