Neurons and Change

Repetitions is forgotten.
I say this because, just try to remember what you ate for lunch last week and you cannot remember that anymore. That is because maybe you've been eating at the same places for the last 5-10 years. I think what our brain does is just put those activities in a stack and just keep on piling it on. We have to introduce change to our routines.
Our brain is very efficient. It doesn't create new neurons unless needed. (i.e., this is my opinion of course) By the way, we have this internal euphoria/happiness when new neurons are made. Lets say for me I love ice-cream. But if I just ate that for breakfast, lunch and dinner day in day out. I will start to hate it. I would even dare say if vegetables are introduced at the end of a month of just ice-cream, that will make me happy, and I don't like vegetables. See what I mean.
I also don't like planning too much. Thats like repetition too. Since you already know what you've planned, so when your executing it there's no surprises. (boring!) I love spontaneity. Spontaneity also reduces anxiety. Since you don't know whats going to happen, then there's nothing to worry about.
Lets experience life. Have multiple careers. Live in different countries. Work in different location. Hell, just park in different spots. Our brains will be happy and make new neurons.