Bing Bam Boom BLOG

Its the phrase after Bada bing, bada boom. That's how I say it in the house. I think this is a good title for my first BLOG entry.
Another expression that I hear and use is "Do it once, do it right". I think there is a better version and its "Do it right, do it once".
The first version is more when you do something, better do it correctly.
My version is more of make sure do it right the first time around. So you only do it once.
Confusing, but that is what it is. It applies to all aspects of life.
Lets say when I do a photo shoot. I prefer to have all the elements correct. Lights, posing, hair, make-up, camera setting and all. When all is according to your vision, take the picture. Then when its time to edit, hopefully just minor corrections. Otherwise if you missed to correctly expose the image. You'll waste hours correcting the mistake.
Another example is in my I.T. world. When I have a project to develop. I make sure to dot all the i's and cross all the t's. Making sure specs are reviewed, approved and scheduled. Plus make sure its future-proof. So when its time to code, you only code once. I see people around me endlessly correcting programs due to mostly "bad design". Spend time gathering info, make sure its close to perfect, then code once.
There's a lot in my mind and more to come. I hope you enjoy some of them as I post more of my thoughts and share some of my weird Zen/Buddhist way of life.