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Mindfulness vs Photography

Look at it with you Eyeballs

One of photography's purpose is to capture moments in time. But at the same missing the actual moment.

Let me explain. For years I've been capturing images of my kids, my travels and my experiences. That's all good. I can go back to those memories by looking at the photographs I've taken. Actually I can visualize in my mind, even without looking at the prints. I can see it in my minds eye. Those times I was at the Corniche in the Middle East by the sea at night with my bicycle. Holding back the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy preventing it from falling over. At the top of the Arc de Triompe in Paris with the noontime sun blazing in my eyes. I can even recall the camera I used in those scenarios.

But that's it. I remember the images. I have those prints in my basement. I have the negatives too, well some of them. What I can't recall are the moments. Everything is picture related. Time spent capturing the image is time missing the moments. I can't remember the times before or after I pressed the shutter. Its not there. And by the way whats the obsession with putting ourselves in the picture. (i.e., selfie)

very happy cameras

What I'm saying is instead of capturing the moment, be in the moment. Be MINDFUL. Breath the air. Look around. Look up and down. We have five senses. Let them all absorb. Smell the air, listen to the sounds, taste the food or kiss your wife/girlfriends/kids, touch the floor/wall, hug wife/girlfriend/kids. You don't need to go home and load the images onto our Macs to view them, you are there right now, why wait.

I like my Retina iPhone, HD TV. But why view your pictures from these these electronic appliance, where you've been to those places and by the way, nothing beats the clarity, quality and scope of our eyeballs.

Paintings have texture too.

I'd say get rid of our cameras and just be in the moment and enjoy the view and company of our family/friends. There's no other better time than now, it's the only we thing we have. The future may not come. The past is over. You cannot taste the food in tomorrow's restaurant. Nor smell yesterday's flowers. Do it now at this moment. It's the only time you can do it. Breath deep, open your eyes and take it all in.

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